In many industries, having a virtual data room is a key component in projects that require secure document storage, management and sharing. This is especially true in M&A transactions where sensitive data needs to be transmitted in a secure manner and considered part of due diligence. A specifically designed VDR is usually more efficient and affordable than physically transporting confidential documentation between the parties.

Virtual data rooms are also more intuitive and user more user-friendly than messaging or email. The top providers offer an intuitive interface that doesn’t require any training. They also allow for specific permissions, which means that administrators can decide if a document is able to be printed, downloaded or read. Additionally, they can track the activities of users and find out who is spending the most time on a specific document page, so they can analyze the degree of interest. Top-quality VDRs also include eSignature software such as DocuSign. This allows users to sign contracts and documents directly from the platform.

Other industries also rely on virtual data rooms for their due diligence processes, such as capital markets and banking (for loan syndication as well as private equity and venture capital deals) as well as life sciences companies (for everything from clinical trial results to HIPAA compliance) and engineering firms (for collaboration on projects). No matter what industry, most businesses find that they are more productive when they use a virtual data room since all work-related documents are conveniently stored in one place rather than scattered across multiple places and devices, and can be accessed at any time, anywhere.